Yarralea Children's Centre has a history of providing a high quality service with long standing experienced staff, high child:staff ratios and affordable fees. As a community managed not-for-profit centre, Yarralea depends on fees to make all programs viable. Yarralea provides integrated kindergarten for 3-5 year olds led by Bachelor qualified teachers. Yarralea is an Approved Child Care Provider and all fees can attract Child Care Subsidy for eligible families. Please visit the Australian Government Human Services website for current information about the Child Care Subsidy to ascertain your eligibility.
Yarralea provides integrated kindergarten programs, 8am-6pm Monday to Friday. Core kindergarten experiences occur between 9am - 3.30pm. There is no expectation to attend outside these hours. Yarralea does not supply food or nappies.
Free Kinder
Children accessing a funded kinder place attract the “Free Kinder” Victorian State Government funding for integrated programs which is paid directly to the centre and passed on as a fee reduction to families. As the kinder program is integrated (not sessional) it is not free but heavily subsidised.